Traditional Virtual Tours VS. Matterport Virtual Tours
How is Matterport Virtual Tours different from traditional 360 Panoramic Photography or other existing “Virtual Tours”?
Most traditional virtual tours are not really virtual - they can be misleading and frankly disappointing.
Typically these consist of a simple gallery of fixed and panoramic photographs , meticulously "stitched" together and guided by some outdated control schemes.
Although the techniques change, most traditional tours do not allow visitors to move around. Traditional tours offer up to 10 or more individual areas so you can see an area. Traditional photographers create these tours using DSLR cameras to capture space with multiple hand-stitched photographs to create a panorama viewed from a player.
Traditional "Virtual Tours"
Limited number of navigation points
Isolated 360 panorama - one tour per room
Not every point is stitched
Limited to 16 photos or less
3+ days delivery, post production required
Distracting fisheye distortion
✔︎ Matterport Virtual Tours
Navigation from 100's of Points
Real Virtual Reality - Full Bore
Real 3D Polygon Knitting Stitch
High Definition Cameras Capture 10's of Images
FAST! Delivery After 24 Hours (Up to 2000 m2)
Realistic Perspectives
Mobile Friendly
Easily Place Tours on the Website
Isometric Model View
Floor Plan View
Customizable Automatic Navigation
Take Accurate Measurement with Measurement Tools
Highlight Features with the Annotation Tool (multimedia supporter)
Portal Entry Authority to the Customer (In projects with active use)
Project Files for CAD .obj
Compatible with Virtual Reality (Wear Glasses, Play)
Easily Upload to Websites.
or contact us to get more information and we will assist you.